Friday, April 30, 2010
Seven Quick Takes
2. Go Spurs Go!
3. Lately Eric has been practicing his trumpet for our sister's wedding in June. He is awesome!
I love hearing the music being played throughout the house. I hope our kiddos have amazing musical skills like him.
4. The Brinkmans LOVE a great deal or a freebie. This week I enjoyed a free bagel and shmeer at Einstein's Bagels. It's a promotion they are having all week. Nothing beats a nice toasty cinnamon raisin bagel with plain cream cheese. It definitely made my morning today!
5. Tomorrow is May which means...26 more days of school left! Too bad I have to work all summer. :(
6. Eric called me today and told me some amazing news....I'll fill you in later!
7. After I finish this post I am going to dress up like a nerd and attend a work social. That's what teachers do on their Fridays dress up, eat, drink, and relax..
Have a fantastic weekend!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
The Girl with the Big Pink Glasses
I was in pre-kinder and I needed glasses bad.
Picking out my first pair was a haze, but I do recall desperately wanting red frames. They didn't have red, so I settled for the next closest My parents ranted and raved about how wonderful I looked in my new glasses. The next day at school I boldly walked in the classroom hoping my classmates would also think my glasses were just as wonderful.
They thought they looked...funny.
I quickly began hatting my pink glasses and would purposely try to break them before I went to school. It never failed that my mom would always have a solution on how to fix them, whether it was super glue, a tiny screwdriver, or just popping the lenses back in.
I had them for a few years then switched to Osh Kosh frames. (yes...they make glasses too...and no they were not cool.)
After my realization I remembered one of my favorite verses Songs of Solomon 7:4
No matter if I have nasty glasses, not so hip clothes, or imperfections on my skin, my Maker sees absolutely no blemish on me. He loves me for who I am and delights in me. God is Awesome!!
Hope you enjoyed a new feature on the Brinkman blog...
Blast from the Past Thursdays
Every Thursday I will post different memories of my life from the past 23 years.
Let me know what you think. :)
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Your Hands
This afternoon it came on KLOVE at the last stop light before I got home. This time I shazamed it. shazam: an iPhone app that helps you figure out who the singer and what the title is while it is rocks!
Drum roll please... JJHeller: Your Hands.
I have since listened to it at least 10 times. I enjoy it a lot. Check it out.
That pretty much sums up my Wednesday.
night peeps!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Ten on Tuesday

My cellphone rocked! It had the ablility for me to type in a very long code and create a ringer. (who cares if it took my about 20 minutes to type it all in) My ringer of choice, billie jean. I enjoyed this phone and kept it for about 3 years.
2. What is the first children’s book you remember being read to you?
The book that comes to mind is a Kevin Henkes book, Chrysanthemum. I loved this book and repeatedly checked it out from the library. My wonderful mom never got tired of reading it to me. Thanks Mom!
3. What was your first car? Did you love it or hate it?
1994 Chevrolet Corsica. Molly, was so gracious to sell it to my sister, who then handed it down to me.
It finally died/got sold last May. Eric and I were very excited to kick that clunker to the curb, but before doing that it decided to overheat on the way to the dealership.
4. Who was your hero growing up?
I can't pinpoint a specific person who was my hero growing up. I had a few wonderful people that I looked up to. My grandma, mom and sister. (she was older than me and I thought she was super cool)
5. Think back to your first kiss. Was it everything you dreamed of?
No way! We bumped our noses together and I was freaking out the whole time on how to breathe. Plus my best friend, 2 cousins and sister were all spying on me out the front window.
6. What was your first BAD hairstyle choice? (Extra points for embarrassing photos)
I got my haircut a little longer than ear length. It was horrible...I got made fun of for it...enough said.
7. What was your first realistic dream? (One where you had to think “Oh dang, was that a dream?”)
I had a dream that I lost all my teeth. Crazy thing is I really felt them fall out...creepy I know. I woke up counting all my teeth with my tongue. I still get that dream and I count every time.
8. What was the first phobia you remember developing?
As a little girl I was afraid of everything...
trains, popping balloons, car washes, my mom leaving the room, which I thought she was leaving me for good, and toilets....yes toilets. The one fear that really got me was ET. As a little girl I always thought at night he was looking through a window at me. I would run past any windows in hopes he wouldn't get a sneak peek of me.
9. Which character on Sesame Street do you most identify with?
As of right now, Count Von Count. No, I do not enjoy human blood and I am NOT referring to Twilight in anyway. You all might already know that I am a 4yr old teacher. I am constantly counting with them and helping them learn their numbers.10. What was the hardest goal you ever accomplished?
I don't really set goals...maybe I should?!
I would have to say the hardest goal I have ever accomplished was finally enjoying working out.
I used to DISLIKE with a passion going to the gym. I did everything to try not to go. (Wii fit, 30 day shred and P90X: abb ripper and yoga only) I now look forward to my workout classes and l
enjoy leaving work and going to the gym for a good sweat. weird...I know!
Friday, April 2, 2010
By His wounds we are healed
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
and by his wounds we are healed.
Isaiah 53:5
It's Friday...but Sunday's coming!