We will enjoy pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, watch scary movies (Bridget will watch, I will be squinting my eyes and closing my ears) and maybe carve a pumpkin.
2. Since it is October...duh, they're are so many scary movie previews on the tv. I can't stand it! Every time they come on I hum to myself loudly until I press mute so I won't hear the tormenting sounds. I close my eyes and wait about 30 seconds and then cautiously pry open my eyes in hopes it is all over.
3. Did I say I wanted to watch scary movies today...ekkkk!
4. I will be enjoying this on Saturday!

Hey Cupcake just came out with their new flavor, pumkinator.
Pumpkinator: Graham Cracker Cream Cheese Top, Pumpkin Spice Cake
They are releasing this flavor today!
5. This year I will be sewing my Halloween costume. I need some ideas folks!
6. I love Glee...there I said it.
7. Last month I planned our meals for the month. I had no idea it would not only save us money, but also bring more joy in making all the meals.
I tried the cupcake today!!! I shared one with my co-worker. AMAZING; you'll love it:)