One of my favorite news to tell people is...Eric and I will be an aunt and uncle next year!!! My sister, Leslee is expecting and we found out last Sunday. I was in San Antonio from Sunday to Wednesday, taking some classes for my teacher certification, so her and Brett broke the news when I was there. The following days she told other friends and family. Leslee and I were planning to have dinner with out best friends on Tuesday, so we devised a plan on how to break the news to Molly and Bridget. Here is what we did!
I had Leslee get together w/ Molly and Bridget for a group picture. I took one picture and after I took it I told them that I needed to take another one because the first one was ok. While I was looking at the pic on the camera I changed it to the video setting. I began to take another picture but before pressing the button I said, "One...Two...Three...Leslee's Pregnant!!" They were a little confused when I said it. They thought I was telling them a scenario and they needed to give me their expression. After a few seconds then it finally clicked. Here is the picture of the picture before the news and pics after. I tried uploading the video but it's not working! I'll try on facebook.